Neglected Tropical Diseases

SILF, the Swedish Society of Tropical Medicine, Doctors Without Borders, and Mediahuset invite you to this free webinar with international speakers.

Date and time

30 January (World NTD Day) 16.00-17.45

Programme Manager

Katja Wyss

Preliminary program

16.00-16.05 Introduction and presentation of speakers - Tropical Society

16.05-16.25 Gabriel Alcoba, MD, MSF Tropical Medicine Advisor: The diseases the (rich) world forgot

16.25-16.55 Amaya Bustinduy, Professor, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine: Female Genital Schisto – Clinical aspects and Management

16.55-17.15 Caroline Rönnberg, Clinical Microbiologist, Public Health Agency of Sweden: Schisto diagnostics in Sweden – Current and future diagnostic tools

17.15-17.35 Sabine Specht, PhD, DNDi – New and repurposed drugs for NTDs

17.35-17.45 Questions and discussion


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Quick info

30 Jan 16:00 - 17:45

Mediahusets eventavdelning
031-797 27 80 drivs av Mediahuset i Göteborg AB.

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